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It's time to see clearly!

Get a clear picture of what you want and where you are heading with the Finding Clarity counselling program.

Finding Clarity is a 6 session, 1:1 counselling program that has been delivered all over Australia by Mental Health Wellbeing Expert, and registered Relationship and Family Therapist Vee Vinci.

Finding Clarity has helped hundreds of people stop the confusion and get control of their lives.

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We all experience times when we feel overwhelmed, exhausted and just can't seem to catch a break.

It tends to manifest after periods of stress or while dealing with significant life changes like a breakup, grief, becoming a parent, a health crisis, changing jobs and sometimes for no obvious reason at all.
We do our best to navigate our way through the fog on our own.

We attempt all the right things: self-care practices; talking to people we trust; reading self-help books and listening to podcasts yet despite our efforts the external noise continues to increase and become that next level of all-consuming.
It’s at this point you hear yourself say statements like:

“I don’t know what to do”

“I feel so lost”

“I can’t deal”

“I’m so overwhelmed”

“F%ck this!”


It almost feels like you're driving on a gravel road in the dead of the night, while your windows slowly fog up and the fuel gauge nears closer and closer to empty.

Life becomes stressful and tiresome and eventually, if you don't make a fuel stop you will find yourself calling a tow truck.

I see the consequences of this in my practice every day, people who:
👉 are easily agitated, frustrated, and moody;
👉 have a hard time relaxing;
👉 constantly worry;
👉 struggle with a low self-esteem, loneliness and depression;
👉 avoid being social;
👉 procrastinate and avoid responsibilities; and
👉 harbour a range of physical symptoms including: low energy, headaches,  gastrointestinal problems, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, low libido and more.


Talk to us and find out if this program is right for you

This is no way to live!

Expert help is invaluable when things get a little cloudy and you’re lacking perspective.

The right support can lead you out of the haze of confusion to a place of clarity.

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Find out more about the support this program provides.
Book your FREE 15 min CLARITY CALL NOW!

Added benefits include…


More Energy

Imagine waking up each morning bursting with vitality because you’ve stopped expending so much energy listening to the external noise rather than trusting and following your own intuition. Instead, you’ll make time for the activities and relationships that light you up and add a spring to your step.



YOU TOO can be powerful, unstoppable and continually create more and more of what you want in your life. Once you know where you want to be, getting off the starting block and creating momentum to get closer to your goals becomes easier. 


More Fulfilling Relationships

We all crave deep relationships - we are wired for connection. With your newfound capacity to see and enjoy what’s in front of you, start reconnecting with friends, reigniting the flame with your partner or opening your heart to new love opportunities.

When you find clarity, you identify a clear picture of what you want, where you are heading and what actions are required to get you there.


Finding Clarity

The 6 session, 1:1 counselling program that has helped hundreds of people stop the confusion and get control of their lives.

Led by Mental Health Wellbeing Expert, and Relationship and Family Therapist Vee Vinci you will discover:
✅ What you want?
✅ What's in your way?
✅ What your priorities currently are and how and why they may need to change?
✅ How to recognise what’s in control and direct your attention and action.

Are you sick of sitting in your own mental sh%t because you don't know how to move forward?

Are you over the internal conflict and frustration?
Knowing you need to take action and change things up but instead do the same things over and over because it's the devil you know?

Book your FREE 15 min CLARITY CALL NOW.

Here are just some of the few AH-HA moments you will experience:

✅ How having clarity on your needs and wants is critical to creating the life you desire.

✅ How having your priorities in order is the key to overcoming obstacles and finding joy in everyday life.

✅ That what you focus on creates your reality, good, bad or otherwise.

This content has been delivered to hundreds of people, many who end up saying:

“Vee, f%ck you’re good!
Honestly what you have done for me you have no idea, the sense of lightness and clarity I feel right now is not something I haven’t felt in an extremely long time, best feeling yet! 
So, so, so grateful!!! 
Love working with you!”

Vee is a registered Relationship and Family therapist who is passionate about delivering quality mental health wellbeing services and programs in order to avoid mental health problems. Having spent years stuck in a cycle of anger, blame, confusion and self-sabotage, Vee has close to 10 years of experience helping people uncover the blind spots that are keeping them trapped in bad habits, addiction, self-sabotage and anxiety.

"Your brain is incredible! It’s essentially an operating system that manages every aspect of your life, it deals with a huge amount of information every day.


As a way to prevent a system crash your brain sometimes goes on autopilot, which is great when you are driving a car, but not so great when you need to manage conflict. When you keep on doing the same thing you end up with the same result… and if the result isn’t serving you, you get stuck! This is where I come in.


This program will help you update your operating system so that you can override the autopilot and take control. Like our phones, we too need an update and reboot every now and then and I’m here to help you flick that switch to a new and improved way of looking at your life”.

Here is how I will help you find clarity so you can transform your life.

→ Over six, 1:1 online sessions (held over a three month period) I will support you to find clarity and create a clear picture of what you want and where you are heading.


→ To ensure all your appointments are prioritised in your calendar you will book all six, 60 minute, 1:1 counselling sessions upfront.


→ Before your first 1:1 session, you'll be given a questionnaire to complete and a video to watch so that I can get to know you before we start. It’s important to me that we can get started right off the gate so you can get the most out of every minute we work together


→ Each session is 60 minutes in duration and may include pre work and homework to support you to solidify your learnings and motivate you to turn your new insights into positive lasting change.

What are people saying about the
Finding Clarity program:

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START the Finding Clarity program so you can create a clear picture of what you want and finally PUT YOURSELF where YOU WANT TO BE!

Feel confident and empowered to improve your mental health and wellbeing for an investment of:
Payment options available through partnership with Ezy Pay.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m so busy I don’t think I’ll have time for this.

Yes I feel you, I’m busy too. #businessowner #mumlife #allthethings

But what if I told you less than 12 hours could change your whole life! FOR THE BETTER? Would you make the time? #getonitalready

You can expect a total of 6 hours over a 3 month period for the 1:1 sessions as well as a little time here and there for pre work and homework.

Still don't think you make the time? Maybe you need to ask yourself "What is the cost of not investing your time into this now and where will that leave you in 5 years?"

Plus you pick the times for your 1:1 sessions #noexcuses.


This investment seems like a stretch for me.

Adhoc support and unpersonalised programs will only get you so far. Real change happens when you consistently work in an intimate environment with someone who can pick up on your patterns and allow you to see what you're not seeing. It will be the best $ you have ever spent! Don’t believe me? See the testimonials above.


How does the program work?

You will participate in 6, 1:1 online counselling sessions via Zoom with Mental Health Wellbeing Expert, and Relationship and Family Therapist Vee Vinci.

You can schedule in your 1:1 sessions within minutes of purchasing the program.

Each session is 60 minutes in duration and may include pre work and homework to support you to solidify your learnings and motivate you to turn your new insights into positive lasting change.

Everything is delivered online.


How long do I have access to this program from purchase?


All 1:1 sessions will be held within 3 months of you purchasing the program.


All the resources you are provided with are yours to keep. This means you’ll have access to all your materials forever!


What happens after I purchase?

As soon as your payment is processed, you’ll get an email from me in your inbox. (Check your spam if you can’t see it!)

Inside you'll find welcome video and a short questionnaire so you can literally get started within minutes!

Payment Options

Upfront payment by bank transfer or credit card.


Buy now, pay later using Ezypay
2,3 and 5 month repayment options available


Finding Clarity is a 6 session, 1:1 counselling program that has been delivered all over Australia by Mental Health Wellbeing Expert, and registered Relationship and Family Therapist Vee Vinci.

Finding Clarity is one of HeadQuarters Counselling Services' premium 1:1 programs that has helped hundreds of people stop the confusion and get control of their lives.

Refunds are not offered for Finding Clarity.

All six 1:1 sessions must be used within 3 months of purchase.

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